Country Dance Book, Part III.

The Dance

The figures described above are the commonplaces of the Country Dance, and are to be found, one or other of them, in pretty nearly every dance. The rest - and they are infinite in number and variety - are described in the notations as they arise.


Catching of Quails (Round for eight)
If all the World were Paper (Round for eight)
Up Tails all (Round for as many as will)
Winifred's Knot, or Open the Door to Three (Round for as many as will)
Chelsea Reach (Square for eight)
Fain I would (Square for eight)
Hyde Park (Square for eight)
Hunsdon House (Square for eight)
Althea (for four)
Argeers (for four)
Lady in the Dark (for four)
The Merry Conceit (for four)
Adson's Saraband (Longways for six)
Confess (Longways for six)
Maiden Lane (Longways for six)
The Old Mole (Longways for six)
Shepherd's Holiday, or Labour in Vain (Longways for six)
Upon a Summer's Day (Longways for six)
Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom (Longways for eight)
Lady Spellor (Longways for eight)
Lord of Carnarvon's Jig (Longways for eight)
Lull me Beyond Thee (Longways for eight)
The Merry, Merry Milkmaids (Longways for eight)
The Phoenix (Longways for eight)
Spring Garden (Longways for eight)
Bobbing Joe (Longways for as many as will)
Catching of Fleas (Longways for as many as will)
The Friar and the Nun (Longways for as many as will)
The Irish Lady, or Aniseed Water Robin (Longways for as many as will)
Irish Trot (Longways for as many as will)
The New Figary (Longways for as many as will)
Row well, ye Mariners (Longways for as many as will)
Sweet Kate (Longways for as many as will)
Touch and Take (Longways for as many as will)

Page transcribed by Hugh Stewart