Longways for Six; in four parts (1st Ed., 1650).

facing triples
2nd woman2nd man4th woman
3rd woman1st man1st woman


First Part.
A1–4The two files move forward a double, meet, and fall back a double to places (r.s.).
5–8That again.
B11–4First man, standing between second and third women, leads them up a double, changes hands, and leads them down a double; while second man in like manner leads first and fourth women down a double, changes hands and leads them up a double (r.s.).
5–8First man turns second man once-and-a-half round; simultaneously second and fourth women, and third and first women turn each other once round.
B21–4First man leads first and third women a double to left wall, changes hands, and leads them a double back to places; while second man does the same with the other two women to the right wall.
5–8First man turns second man, first woman fourth woman, and third woman second woman.

Second Part.
A1–8First man, first woman and third woman face left wall; both files move forward two doubles, turn round and return to places (r.s.).
B11–2First man and second woman fall back two steps, meet, and make an arch with right hands.
3–8The others hands-four round first man, passing under the arch (r.s.).
B21–2Second man and first woman fall back two steps, meet, and make an arch with right hands.
3–8The others hands-four round second man, passing under the arch (r.s.).

Third Part.
A1–8As in Second Part, to right wall.
B11–4Second and third women lead up a double, change hands and lead back to places; while first and fourth women lead down and do the same. Simultaneously, first man faces left wall, moves forward a double, turns round and moves back to his place; while second man does the same to right wall (r.s.).
5–8The women hands-four, while each man turns single twice, once clockwise and once counter-clockwise.
B21–4Same as in B1.
5–8The men turn each other, while each woman turns single twice, once clockwise and once counter-clockwise.

Fourth Part.
A1–8As in First Part.
B11–4First man leads third woman down a double, changes hands and leads her up a double; while second man leads second woman down a double and does the same. Simultaneously, first and fourth women move up a double on the outside, turn round and return to places, passing under the arms of first man and third woman, and second man and second woman respectively (r.s.).
5–8First woman turns fourth woman, first man third woman, and second man second woman.
B21–4First man leads first woman up a double, changes hands and leads her down a double; while second man leads fourth woman up a double and does the same. Simultaneously, second and third women move down a double on the outside, turn round and return to places, passing under the arms of second man and fourth woman, and first man and first woman respectively (r.s.).
5–8Second woman turns third woman, first man first woman, and second man fourth woman.

Note: This text is from a later edition. In the first edition the first part's B1 5-8 simply said "First man turns second man, second woman fourth woman, and third woman first woman".
In the third part B 5-8 simply said "... while each man/woman turns single twice."

In modern terms, as danced at the Round, this dance is for two triples, facing each other across the room
Forward and back a double, twice
Men go to their left and lead a pair of women out and back; all two-hand turn the person you face.
Men lead partners out a double and back; all two-hand turn the person you face.
All face men’s wall, all balance back and forward, then go forward a double and turn round, balance back and forward and return to places.
Man in triple on men’s side look to the woman diagonally left: those two balance back and forward to make a right hand arch, and the others circle left under it.
The other man look diagonally left and with that woman balance back and forward to make an arch for the others to circle left underneath.
All face women’s wall, balance back and lead out, turn round, balance back and lead back.
Women lead out up or down and the men go out to their walls, turn and lead back a double. Women circle left round the two men while the men turn single right then left. Repeat the leading out and back; the men two-hand turn each other while the women turn single right and then left (women in their places, not inside the men’s two-hand turn).
Forward and back twice.
Men lead their top partners down a double, turn in and lead her back, arching over the bottom partner who has cast up the outside and then goes back home under the arch; men turn the partner they are holding while the two bottom women turn each other.
Repeat that figure with the men leading their bottom partners up and down while the top women cast down and return up under the arch; top women turn each other while the men turn the partner they are holding.

Page transcribed by Hugh Stewart