Square for eight; in three parts (1st Ed., 1650). Numbering clockwise


First Part.
A11–4Partners lead out a double, change hands, and lead back to places (r.s.).
5–6Each man takes the woman on his left by both hands and changes places with her.
7–8First man and first woman, third man and third woman, second man and fourth woman and second woman and fourth man change places in like manner.
A21–4Each man leads out the woman on his right a double, changes hands and leads in a double (r.s.).
5–8Same as in A1.
B11–2First and third couples move forward and meet (r.s.)
3–4First couple with fourth man and second woman take hands and fall back a double; while the other four do likewise (r.s.).
5–8First man and third woman arm with the right and fall into the second place, third man and first woman doing the same and falling into fourth place; while fourth man and second woman arm on the outside and fall into first place, second man and fourth woman doing the same and falling into third place.
All the women are now on the left of the men.
B21–8Same movements as B1, second man and fourth woman meeting fourth man and second woman in the middle, and all arming with the left.
All are now in original places.

Second Part.
A11–4Partners side (r.s.).
5–8Same as in A1, First Part.
A21–4Each man sides with the woman on his right (r.s.).
5–8Same as in A1, First Part.
B11–4First man turns out to his right and, followed by second woman, returns to his place; while third man, followed by fourth woman does the same. Simultaneously, first woman turns out to her left and, followed by fourth man returns to her place; while third woman, followed by second man does the same (r.s.).
5–8First couple with fourth man and second woman hands-four; while the other four do the same.
B21–4Second man turns out to his right and, followed by third woman, returns to his place; while fourth man, followed by first woman does the same. Simultaneously, second woman turns out to her left and, followed by first man returns to her place; while fourth woman, followed by third man does the same (r.s.).
5–8Second couple with first man and third woman hands-four; while the other four do the same.

Third Part.
A11–4Partners arm with the right.
5–8Same as in A1, First Part.
A21–4Each man arms with the left the woman on his right.
5–8Same as in A1, First Part.
B11–2First and third couples move forward and meet (r.s.).
3–8First and third couples hands-four, facing outward, once round, clockwise. Simultaneously, second and fourth couples hands-four round them, counter-clockwise. First man and third woman fall into the second place, third man and first woman into the fourth place, fourth man and second woman into the first place, and second man and fourth woman into the third place.
The women are now on the left of the men.
B21–8Same movements as B1, fourth man and second woman meeting second man and fourth woman in the middle.
All are now in original places.

In this dance Playford directs that the women shall stand on the left of their partners. For simplicity’s sake this unusual disposition has not been adhered to in the text, the alteration making no difference to the form of the dance

Page transcribed by Hugh Stewart