Chairman: Katharine Palmer (Hughes Hall)Organisatrix: Lorainne Sellers (Homerton)
Organiser: Robert Turner (St Catharine's)
Senior Treasurer: William Palmer
Junior Treasurer: John Pringle (St John's)
Judy Andrews
Stephen Davies (Emmanuel)
Jim Greenwood (Clare)
Marianne Hill
Robert Johnson (St John's)
Dora Pease (Newnham)
Arthur Peck
Beryl Shadbolt
Anne Wells (Girton)
Thursdays 8:45-10:30 and Saturdays 4:30-6:15(Saturdays "partly Study Round, and partly an ordinary meeting")
7/6 a term or 17/6 a year; otherwise 2/6 a year plus 1/- per meeting, but first years are excused the 2/6
Other events
Michaelmas Term party December 6th (2/- in advance, 2/6 on the door) at the Perse School (Attendance: 40)Singing evening January 26th, preceded by fish and chips
Homerton Party February 23rd
Lent Term Party March 16th, St Giles Hall (Attendance 24)
Sold 13 tickets (3/6 each) for the Albert Hall festival
Round Party June 8th Girton, Music: Grace North + Rollo Woods, MC: Arthur Peck
Long Vac: Meetings at 8.30 on Thursdays in the Technical College, 1/- per meeting
The minute book records that owing to reports that prominent members of this Society [the EFDSS] had made their business to besmirch the good name of the Round and the fact that the Round got very little value for its 2 guineas subscription the Round was not going to rejoin. Does anyone know more?
Other years: | 1954-55 | 1955-56 | 1956-57 | 1957-58 | 1958-59 |
Page maintained by Hugh Stewart