Longways for as many as will; in one part (12th Ed., 1703)


(Duple minor-set.)
N.B. — The tune is in triple time, i.e., three steps to the bar.
A1First man changes places with his partner.
2First couple leads down into second place; while second couple casts up into first place.
3–4Partners fall back three steps, cross over and change places.
5Second man changes places with his partner.
6Second couple leads down into second place; while first couple casts up into first place.
7–8Partners go back-to-back.
B1–4First and second couples circular hey, three changes, partners facing (progressive).
5–8Partners turn twice around.

This is from a later edition. The first edition gave far more relaxed timing, with the music played ABB.
Cecil Sharp's original timing was 6 steps to change with partner, 6 to lead down or cast and then fall back 3, come forward 3, cross over 3 and turn back in to face 3. The second couple then use the same timing with the first B music to cross, lead down, and then everybody does a long back to back. Basically he halved the timings for this bit of the dance and dropped B1, but left the (very relaxed) B2 timings unchanged.

The Round interprets this dance as:-
First couple half turn and lead down as the twos cast up; all hitch back and cross over with partner.
Second couple half turn and lead down as the ones cast up (home); all back to back partner.
Three changes of a circular hey; sweeping turn back into the set to cross-hand turn partner twice or more.]

Page transcribed by Hugh Stewart