Longways for as many as will; in one part (12th Ed., 1703)


N.B. — The tune is in triple time, i.e., three steps to the bar.
(Duple minor-set.)
A11Second man and first woman move into line and stand on either side of first man. All three take hands and face second woman.
2–3They move forward three steps to second woman and fall back three steps.
4Second man and first woman return to places.
5–6First man casts down into second place; while the two women turn single and the second man moves up into first place, turning single, counter-clockwise, as he does so.
A21Second man and second woman move into line and stand on either side of first woman. All three take hands and face first man.
2–3They move forward three steps to first man and fall back three steps.
4Second man and second woman return to places.
5–6First woman casts down into second place; while the two men turn single and the second woman moves up into first place, turning single, clockwise, as she does so.
B1–2First man goes back-to-back with his partner.
3–4First couple casts up into first place; while second man and second woman lead down into second place, turning single on the last three steps, the man clockwise and the woman counter-clockwise.
5–7First and second couples hands-four.
8First couple casts down into second place; while second man and second woman move up into first place, turning single as they do so (progressive).

Page transcribed by Hugh Stewart