40 pages, A5 Landscape, ISBN 0 9519193 1 8
It will cost you 2.00 pounds in Britain, or $5 in the US.
You can
- Turn up to the Round and ask there
- Go to the Country Dance and Song Society, Suite 345, 116 Pleasant St., Easthampton, MA 01027-2759; USA
(and get a discount if you are a CDSS member) - Write to Hugh Stewart, 14 Silverwood Close, Cambridge CB1 3HA, England
(I'll pay the postage; I'll take UK cheques (payable to Hugh Stewart, please) and greenbacks) - ask $hugh_stewart$
- For instant gratification buy it as an E-Book for $3.99
If you want even more then see The Country Dance Club Book which contains most of The Elements of English Country Dance, but also includes advice on calling and instructions for a hundred dances
Page maintained by Hugh Stewart