Longways for as many as will; in one part (7th Ed., 1686)


(Duple Minor Set.)
A11–8First man turns second woman with the right hand, his partner with the left hand and then casts down into second place, second man moving up into first place.
A21–8First woman turns her partner with the left hand, the second man with the right hand and then casts down into second place, second woman moving up into first place (progressive).
B11–4First woman moves up the middle and casts down to the second place; while the first man casts up and moves down the middle into the second place.
5–8First man turns his partner.
B21–4First man moves up the middle and casts down to the same place; while his partner casts up and moves down the middle into the second place.
5–8First man turns his partner.

Note that the twos do very little. You can placate them somewhat by changing B2 to Second man go down the middle and cast back up to progressed place while his partner goes down the outside and comes back up the middle, and then they two-hand turn.

Page transcribed by Hugh Stewart