A letter from Jane Schofield

This letter was postmarked Dec 3rd 1928 - just after the first Round dance. It is on Newnham College headed notepaper and dated Dec 2nd
Dear Joe,
I enclose the cheque for £1-16-3. So that if you pay Miss Rookes everything is settled. I enclose the total damages in case they may amuse you. I have asked mother for a cheque for that amount pro temp. I have sent a similar account to Dr Needham so there's nothing for you to do but to pay Miss Rookes - & I've told him you will send him her receipt - I have also told Dr Needham about the cloak room tickets, & you are to apply to him for it out of the subs when they come in.

So that's that, it all seems very excellent so far doesn't it? - How many members have we got do you know? - I believe its nearly 100 - if so its rather splendid - I'm looking forward to the celebrations on Monday - Skinny gave me your message & I'll be there at 7:15 - is that right? It will be a very memorable occasion - & I'll get late leave & the longer the concert goes on the better - What fun! I am looking forward to it. Are you also awfully bucked - I think you should be - but you deserve it after all your efforts.

Yours Jane



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