The Round 1961-62


President: Arthur Peck
Chairman: Michael Blanford (St Catharine's)
Organisatrix: Joan Corser (Homerton)
Organiser: Robert McDowall (Magdalene)
Junior Treasurer: Antony Heywood
Senior Treasurer: William Palmer
John Allen
Ian Bruce (Magdalene)
Rosmarie Schwenk


Technical College Gym
Thursdays, 8:30-10:15, Saturday afternoons 4:30-6:15 during Michaelmas and Lent terms
7/6 per term or 17/6 per year; occasional visitors 1/- per meeting

Other events

Michaelmas end of term party in Clough Hall, Newnham
Visit to C# club, Oxford on May 20th 1962

Playford Ball

-11:4516th June 1962Guildhallprice: Attendance: 90
Never love thee more
The Phoenix
The Bishop
Step Stately
The Dressed Ship
The Old Mole
Draper's Maggot
Shrewsbury Lasses
The Queen's Jig
Nonesuch; or, A la mode de France
Parson's Farewell
Greenwich Park
The Fandango
The Princess
Oranges & Lemons
Mr Beveridge's Maggot
Mr Isaac's Maggot
Sellenger's Round

income: £54 0/0 (but would need 12 more people to break even) (implies 72 tickets)

Meeting programmes top ten dances:
  26 KRS
  14 Phoenix
  14 Newcastle
  13 Parson's Farewell
  11 Greenwich Park
  11 Fandango
  10 Step Stately
  10 Oranges and Lemons
  10 Nonesuch
   9 Picking up Sticks
Other years: 1959-601960-61 1961-62 1962-631963-64

Page maintained by Hugh Stewart