The Round 1948-49


Chairman: John Lewis (Pembroke)
Organisatrix:Margaret Dance (Newnham)Kathleen Holding (Newnham)
Organiser:Rollo Woods (Jesus)Bobby Burns (St Catharine's)
Treasurer: William Palmer
Dr A L Peck (Christ's)
Dr W R S Wortley (Caius)
Dr M (Peggy) E Brown (Girton)
Merry Bland (Girton)
Marianne Hill (CTC)
Kathleen Holding (Newnham)
Ruth Holt (Girton)
John Shaw
Kenneth Stewart (Trinity)
Betty Wroe (Girton) Margaret Dance (Newnham)
Organisatrix:Kathleen Holding (NewnhamKathleen Holding
Organiser:Rollo Woods (Jesus)


8/- a term if you attend 2 meetings a week, 5/- for one a week. Thursdays 8:30-10:15, Saturdays 4:45-6:30 In the Technical College Gym.
Thursdays only during Long Vac term
Sword Dancing Mondays 6-7, Mansfield Hall, River Lane. (Split in Lent 1949 to Women on Mondays, Men on Wednesdays)
Singing evenings: Sundays October 24th, November 14th, Jan 30th, Feb 27th


8:30, Thursday December 2nd 1948, Clough Hall, Newnham; attendance: "about 80"
8:00, March 3rd 1949, Perse School Hall: attendance: 78
7:30, June 9th 1949, Chesterton Secondary Modern Boy's School Hall, admission 2/-
Display in conjunction with Scots and Morris dancers at the Guildhall 8:15 Feb 8th 1949. (This made a profit of 19 pounds, split between the three clubs)
Old Noll's Jig
Parson's Farewell
Morpeth Rant
Step Stately
Chelsea Reach
Mr Beveridge's Maggot

On Saturday October 23rd Douglas Kennedy attended the meeting before calling a barn dance in the Guildhall that evening.
In February 1949 John Lewis sent a leter to the Round announcing the existence of the Old Round, and suggesting that the Round Chairman be ex-officio a governor of the Old Round.
Wedding: Betty Wroe + John Shaw
Note that the Perse School Hall was when the Perse was opposite the Catholic church, where the Local Examination Syndicate is now. The school later moved along Hills Road to out beyond Homerton. Arthur Peck was an Old Boy of the Perse which might have been the connection that led to us using it.
Meeting programmes top ten dances:
  53 KRS
  20 Morpeth Rant
  19 Parson's Farewell
  17 Jack's Maggot
  16 Phoenix
  16 Newcastle
  16 Mage on a Cree
  15 Old Noll's Jig
  15 Cumberland Square Eight
  15 A Trip to Paris
Other years: 1946-471947-48 1948-49 1949-501950-51

Page maintained by Hugh Stewart