Palmer's Pocket Playford

An aide memoire summary by William Palmer of dances from the Playford Ball programmes as arranged by The Round in Cambridge, England. (3rd Edition 1987)

This has now been superseded by Round Reminders, but is retained for historical interest. Note that some of the descriptions here have been superseded by recent corrections.


    In the following descriptions, unless otherwise stated:
    • Longways sets are duple minor
    • Circles and turns are once round, clockwise
    • Clocks are face upward
    • Casts are one place
    • Turns (for 2 people) are with both hands
    • Passing is by R shoulder
    • Step and honour is R then L
    Semicolons indicate the end of 4 bars of music (2 bars in triple time dances).
    L = left, R = right, sk.s. = skipping step.

Index of Dances

Apley House
The Bishop
Broom, the Bonny Bonny Broom
The Black Nag
Chelsea Reach
Dick's Maggot
The Dressed Ship
Fourpence Halfpenny Farthing
The Fandango
Gathering Peascods
Greensleeves and Yellow Lace
Greenwich Park
The Guidman of Ballangigh
The Health
Hey, Boys, Up Go We
Hit and Miss
The Hole in the Wall
Hunsdon House
If All the World were Paper
The Indian Queen
Jack's Maggot
Jacob Hall's Jig
Jenny Pluck Pears
Juice of Barley
Lilli Burlero
Mad Robin
Mage on a Cree
Maid's Morris
The Merry, Merry Milkmaids
Mr Beveridge's Maggot
Mr Isaac's Maggot
Never Love Thee More
The Old Mole
Oranges and Lemons
Parson's Farewell
The Phoenix
Picking up Sticks
The Queen's Jig
The Round
Rufty Tufty
Sellenger's Round
The Shrewsbury Lasses
Sion House
Step Stately
A Trip to Kilburn
A Trip to Paris
The Twenty Ninth of May

Apley House


Men take hands and fall back a double, forward turning single; then women the same.

R hands across half way, turn single; 2nd couple, followed by 1st couple, cast down into line of 4 facing up, 1st couple outside.

Forward a double and back, 1st couple falling into 1st place (all improper); 1st couple cast down into 2nd place and cross over, while 2nd couple lead up into 1st place, crossing.


The Bishop

Longways triple minor

1st man casts to 2nd place (starting on R foot), sets to 3rd woman; and turns her.

1st woman casts to 2nd place, sets to 3rd man; and turns him.

3rd couple gipsy while the other two men, and the other two women, gatepost; hands-6 half way round.

2nd couple gipsy while the others gatepost; hands-6 half way round.


Broom, the Bonny, Bonny Broom

4 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; end couples, followed by their neighbours, cast one place and return to places. All lead down a double and back; repeat casts.

2nd couple fall back while 1st and 3rd couples meet and fall back; 1st and 3rd couples hands-4. 3rd couple fall back while 2nd and 4th couples meet and fall back; 2nd and 4th couples hands-4.

Partners side; set and turn single. Repeat.

1st and 2nd men take hands and change places while 1st and 2nd women do the same, then 3rd and 4th men and women do the same; partners set and turn single. Repeat all that to places.

Partners arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

1st couple lead up and back, while 4th couple lead down and back, and two middle men and two middle women lead out and back; hands-8 half way round. Repeat all that to places.


The Black Nag

3 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; repeat.

1st couple take hands and go 4 slips up, then 2nd couple the same, then 3rd couple; all turn single. 3rd couple slip down, then 2nd, then 1st; all turn single.

Partners side; repeat.

1st man and 3rd woman change places by slipping across back to back, R shoulders leading, then the other corners, then middles; all turn single. Repeat to places.

Partners arm R; arm L.

Men skip a straight hey. Women skip a straight hey, men turning single on last 2 bars.


Chelsea Reach

Square set

Meet, fall back; step and honour. Partners lead out, fall back; step and honour.

Side couples meet and stand back to back facing sides while heads gipsy and go to nearest corner to form hands-4 on the sides; circle half way, give R hands and change places with opposite. L hands across once round; partners turn (both hands) into their original places.

Repeat with heads meeting while the sides gipsy.

Side; step and honour. Repeat.

Men (with both hands) put partners into centre, change places; change places again, women R hands across half way while men skip round outside anticlockwise half way.

Women put men in etc., men L hands across while women skip round clockwise.

Arm R; step and honour. Arm L; step and honour.

Men lead out women on their L, fall back; all circular hey half way round giving hands. Men lead out same women again, fall back; continue hey as before to places.



3 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; repeat.

Balance back and cross with partners; men hands-3 half way on women's side, while women do the same on men's side. Repeat to places.

Partners side; repeat.

Balance back and cross with partners; men half hey on women's side, while women do the same on men's side. Repeat to places.

Partners arm R; arm L.

Balance back and cross with partners; 1st couple lead down to 3rd place followed by 2nd and 3rd couples to invert the set. Balance back and cross with partners; 1st man and 1st woman cast up, followed by 2nd and 3rd couples and so back to places.



Longways improper

Partners side; partners back to back.

Side on the sides; back to back on the sides.

Turn 1½ on the sides; partners turn once.

1st couple figure-8 up through 2nd couple.



Set for 6, arranged as two triples facing, thus:
W1A M1 W1B
W2B M2 W2A

Lines meet and fall back; repeat.

Each man goes to his L, leads 2 women out, all turn round and lead back; men turn each other 1 3/4 while each man's 2 partners turn each other. Each man leads his 2 partners out and back; men turn each other as do opposite women.

All face 1st man's (L) wall, balance back and go forward a double, turn round and repeat to places.

1st man faces half L towards 2nd man's 1st woman, they balance back, meet, and form arch; the others hands-4 round the 1st man, under the arch. 2nd man and 1st man's 2nd woman do the same; hands-4 round him.

All face 2nd man's wall, and do as before.

Opposite women lead out and return while men go out towards own walls and return; women hands-4 round men who turn single R then L inside. All out and in again; this time women turn single R and L while men turn each other.

Lines meet and fall back; repeat.

Each man leads his top partner down and then up making an arch, while the other woman casts up outside, then goes down under arch; the 2 single women turn, while the men turn the women they have. Repeat with the other women.



Longways, arranged thus:
W4 W3 W2 W1 M1 M2 M3 M4

1st man and 1st woman side; set and pass by the left, turning single as they do so. Then 1st man the same with 2nd woman while 1st woman with 2nd man. Then 1st man with 3rd woman, 1st woman with 3rd man, and 2nd man with 2nd woman; continue thus until 1st man and 1st woman dance with last woman and last man respectively.

All half turn and continue with the same person again, passing on back towards original places; continue until 1st couple only dance, in their original places.

Same as first part, but instead of siding, arm R for first half and arm L for second half.

Straight hey, with hands, starting with 1st couple only and continuing until all are in their original places.


Dick's Maggot

Longways, Triple time

1st couple cross and lead down while 2nd couple cast up; all fall back 3 and cross over.

2nd couple cross over and lead down while 1st couple cast up; all back to back.

Circular hey 3 changes, partners facing. Partners turn twice round (sk. s.).


The Dressed Ship


1st corners set towards each other, fall back; and turn each other.

2nd corners the same.

1st couple cast down, 2nd couple moving up on last 4 beats; all set to partners, and men turn their partners under their R arms.

1st couple cast up to places, 2nd couple moving down; all set to partners, 2nd couple cast up while 1st man turns his partner under his arm, moving down into 2nd place.


Fourpence Halfpenny Farthing


1st man sets towards 2nd woman, falls back; and turns her.

2nd man does the same to 1st woman.

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; 1st couple half figure-8 through 2nd couple.

2nd couple half figure-8 through 1st couple; partners turn.


The Fandango

3 couple longways

1st couple turn R hand; cast down while 2nd couple move up.

1st couple turn L hand; cast down while 3rd couple move up.

Hands-6, 8 slips L; and 8 slips back. 1st couple lead up middle; cast to 2nd place, and turn single (woman to L).

1st man turns 3rd woman while 1st woman turns 2nd man; 1st couple turn each other. 1st man turns 2nd woman while 1st woman turns 3rd man; 1st couple turn 1½ (or 2½).

1st man figure-8 through 2nd couple, passing woman R, while 1st woman figure-8 through 3rd couple, passing man R.

1st man heys with 3rd couple, passing woman L, while 1st woman heys with 2nd couple, passing man L, 1st couple lead down to bottom place while 2nd couple and 3rd couple move up into 1st and 2nd places respectively.

Da capo, 2nd couple leading; then 3rd couple.


Gathering Peascods

Round for as many as will

Hands-all, 8 slips L; all turn single. Hands-all, 8 slips back; all turn single.

Men in a double, men's ring round L and fall back. Women the same to rejoin partner.

Men in a double and clap, women the same while men fall back, men the same while women fall back, men turn single to places; repeat, women first.

Partners side; turn single. Repeat.

As before, but women's ring first, etc.

Arm R; turn single. Arm L; turn single.

As before, men's ring first, etc.


Greenwich Park


1st couple lead up 8; lead back, pass outside 2nd couple who move up.

2nd couple the same.

1st couple cross over, cast down; swing up the middle to places.

All back to back; clap hands together, R to partner's R, together, L to partner's L, 1st couple cast down while 2nd move up.


Greensleeves and Yellow Lace

3 couple longways

1st couple set and cast into 2nd place, 2nd couple move up; 2nd couple the same. All that again.

1st man figure-8 through 3rd couple (anticlockwise round woman), 1st woman (starting after her partner) figure-8 through 2nd couple (clockwise round man). 1st man and 1st woman change ends passing R shoulders, figures-8 at opposite ends of the set.

1st man hands-3 with 3rd couple 1½, while 1st woman the same with 2nd couple; 1st couple pass R shoulder, hands-3 at opposite ends of set; 1st couple pass R shoulder and go into 2nd place.

1st man hey with 3rd couple (passing 3rd woman L), 1st woman hey with 2nd couple (passing 2nd man L). 1st couple cross and hey at opposite ends, 1st couple lead down to 3rd place, as the 3rd couple moves up.

Da capo, 2nd couple leading; then 3rd couple.

Note from Anthony Stone:

The first figure leaves the 1st couple at the top, which makes the next move very awkward. It also means that the 1st couple has to sneak to the bottom at the end, as in Fandango. Better is: 1st couple set and cast to middle, set and cast to bottom; 2nd couple (now at top) set and cast to middle, set & cast to bottom. This does the progression (in reverse, but that doesn't matter) and the rest follows easily, the 1st couple remaining in middle place at the end.



3 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; set and turn single. Repeat.

Grimstock hey: 1st couple go between and change places with 2nd couple, then outside and change places with 3rd, 2nd couple go between and change places with 3rd couple and then outside and change places with 1st, 3rd couple go between and change places with 1st couple, then outside and change places with 2nd.

Side; set and turn single. Repeat.

As in first part, but partners face each other and slip, those inside taking both hands.

Arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

1st couple cross L shoulder and face down, half a straight hey for 3 on each side; 1st couple cross R shoulder and face up, half hey for 3 on each side to places.


The Guidman of Ballangigh


1st couple lead down between 2nd couple and cast up to places; men lead through women and cast off to places. 2nd couple lead up between 1st couple and cast down to places; women lead between men and cast off to places.

1st man sets to 2nd woman and falls back to place turning single (woman does not set, but may curtsey); 1st woman sets to 2nd man and falls back to place turning single (man does not set but must bow).

1st and 2nd couples hands-4 half way round and fall back; partners set forward and change places.


The Health

4 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; partners step and honour. Repeat.

End couples face and go back to back up and down the set, ending in middle places while middle couples cast to ends; new middles then cast to ends and return through standing couples to the middle.

Repeat to places, new ends going back to back while original ends cast home.

Big back ring half way round (clockwise); partners step and honour. Repeat back to places (anticlockwise).

End couples face and go back to back ending in the middle while middle couples cast to ends; then original ends back ring once round.

Repeat to places with original middles forming back ring.

Partners two-hand turn 1½; on ends: two-hand turn half way on sides with same sex, partners set. Repeat to places.

1st man and 4th woman meet and join R hands while 2nd man and 3rd woman cast to ends, then 1st woman and 4th man meet and join R hands while 2nd woman and 3rd man cast to ends; 1st and 4th couples R hands across once round, and keep hold until replaced.

2nd man and 3rd woman replace 1st man and 4th woman, who cast out to places, then 3rd man and 2nd woman replace 4th man and 1st woman similarly; 2nd and 3rd couples R hands across to places.


Hey Boys, Up Go We

2 couples

Couples meet and fall back; repeat.

Contraries gipsy R; then L. Repeat both with partners.

Partners side; contraries side.

Men cross, women cross; hands-4 once round. Women cross, men cross; hands-4 once round.

Partners arm R; contraries arm L.

Half poussette with contrary, men pushing, so that couples change places; men cast off to R, once round, followed by their partners. Half-poussette back to places; men cast off to L, once round, followed by their partners.


Hit and Miss

2 couples

Meet and fall back; repeat.

Meet, lead contrary out; lead back, give R hand to partner and fall back to places. Circular hey 4 changes, partners facing.

Side; repeat. The rest as before.

Arm R; arm L. The rest as before.


The Hole in the Wall

Longways, Triple time

1st couple cast down and lead back.

2nd couple cast up and lead back.

1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross.

Hands-4 half way round; 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple lead up.


Hunsdon House

Square set

Introduction: Head couples meet, then fall back to side places with opposite; fall back away from opposite, turn to face partner and move forward to meet. Meanwhile sides fall away from partner, forward to meet opposite; lead in, and fall back to places.

Head couples meet, turn single; men cross, women cross. Then sides the same. Repeat to places.

Introduction as before.

Head couples meet, turn into a back ring; back ring half way round into opposite places. Sides the same. Repeat to places.

Introduction as before.

Head couples meet, honour partner; then R hand to contrary and L hand to partner into opposite places. Then sides the same. Repeat to places but this time honour contrary, R hand to partner, L hand to contrary, and R hand to partner into places.

(N.B. Slow and dignified dance: keep on toes)


If All the World Were Paper

4 couple round

Hands-8 into centre, fall back; set and turn single. Repeat.

Head men cross, head women cross; head couples circular hey 2 changes to places, partners facing. Side couples the same.

Partners side; set and turn single. Repeat.

Head couples forward a double and meet, lead contraries out between side couples and cast back to places; partners two-hand turn. Side couples the same.

Partners arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

1st man cross with 3rd woman while 1st woman cross with 3rd man (passing R shoulder), partners change places (passing R shoulder); circular hey 2 changes to places giving R hands to contraries and then L hands to partners. Side couples the same.

Updated July 2011: The original omitted the partner two-hand turn in the second figure, which is clearly in Playford and in Sharp's interpretation.


The Indian Queen


1st corners set, turn single; and turn each other.

2nd corners the same.

R hands across; L hands across.

Partners back to back; circular hey 3 changes, partners facing.


Jack's Maggot


1st man goes the hey with the two women.

1st woman goes the hey with the two men.

R hands across; L hands across.

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; hands-4 half way round, 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple lead up.


Jacob Hall's Jig

Longways, fast

1st man turn 2nd woman R, partner L; then 1st couple and 2nd woman hands-3 anticlockwise.

2nd man turn 1st woman L, partner R; then 2nd couple and 1st woman hands-3 clockwise.

1st couple lead down, change hands, lead up and join hands with 2nd couple in line of 4 facing up; forward a double and back, 1st couple falling into 2nd place.

Hands-4 once round; 1st couple lead up and cast down.


Jenny Pluck Pears

3 couple round (couples number clockwise)

Hands-6, 8 slips L; set and turn single. Slip back; set and turn single.

1st man puts partner in by R hand, then 2nd man the same, then 3rd; all honour (women stand back to back in centre).

Men skip round clockwise, then back anticlockwise. Men (in turn) take partners out by L hand; all honour.

Side; set and turn single. Repeat.

Women put men in by L hand; all honour.

Women skip round men clockwise, then back anticlockwise. Take men out R hand; all honour.

Arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

Men put women in etc. as in first part.


Juice of Barley


Partners back to back; 2 hand turn.

Men cross between women, 1st man leading, and cast back into each other's places; all clap and hands-4 once round.

Women cross between men, 1st woman leading, and cast back into each other's places; all clap and hands-4 once round.


Lilli Burlero


1st couple lead down between 2nd couple and cast up to places; 2nd couple lead up between 1st couple and cast down to places.

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; all fall back a double and come forward turning single.

Partners cross over and change places, men pass back to back into each other's place (passing R shoulder) while women do the same; circular hey 3 changes, partners facing.


Mad Robin


1st man turns 2nd woman R, partner L; casts into 2nd place, 2nd man moving up.

1st woman turns partner L, 2nd man R; casts into 2nd place, 2nd woman moving up.

1st woman goes up through the middle and casts into 2nd place, while 1st man goes up outside and down middle to 2nd place; 1st couple turn.

1st man up the middle, 1st woman up outside, etc.; 1st couple turn.


Mage on a Cree

4 couple round

Hands-8 into centre, fall back; set and turn single. Repeat.

Men's back ring; turn corner woman (sk.s.). Women's back ring; turn partners.

Side; set and turn single. Repeat.

Men skip round clockwise in front of woman on L, behind the next and come up beside her; women into the centre, and out turning single. Men complete the circle as before; women into the centre, and out turning single.

Arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

Men turn woman on L (sk.s.), then the next, etc. to places. (Women stand your ground and do not meet the men half way.)


Maid's Morris


Men take hands and fall back a double, forward turning single; then women the same.

Hands-4, 4 slips L, all turn single; hands-4, 4 slips back, all turn single.

Circular hey 4 changes, partners facing; 1st couple lead down while 2nd couple cast up.


The Merry, Merry Milkmaids

4 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; set and turn single. Repeat.

1st and 3rd couples balance back, meet, take both hands and slip through 2nd or 4th couples who slip up; all fall back and come forward a double; R hands across in fours. Repeat, 2nd and 4th couples leading.

Side; set and turn single. Repeat.

Men cast to invert men's line; then women cast similarly; set and turn single. Repeat, casting back up to places.

Arm R; set and turn single. Arm L; set and turn single.

Men fall back and come forward; men's hey. Women fall back and come forward; women's hey.


Mr Beveridge's Maggot

Longways, Triple time

Note: there are two versions of this dance in circulation. This is the version Cecil Sharp published, and needs music played AABB

1st couple cross, then back to back with 2nd couple.

1st couple turn single, turn R hands on sides then 1st couple turn L hands to places.

1st couple cross again and cast down, while 2nd couple move up; all back to back and fall into line facing up, 1st couple inside.

Up 6, back 6, 1st couple falling into 1st place improper.

1st couple full figure-8 (sk.s.) through 2nd couple; 1st couple cross over and cast down, while 2nd couple move up.

This is the version Pat Shaw published, and needs music played AAB (i.e shorter than Cecil Sharp decreed).
There is a comment in the original text to say "Note that the second strain is played but once" so this is more probably correct.
The interpretation of the A section is the same in both cases.
Updated 30/9/04, since we got it wrong (previous version had 2nd couple doing a back to back in the second half).

1st couple cross, then back to back with 2nd couple.

1st couple turn single, turn R hands on sides then 1st couple turn L hands to places.

1st couple cross again and cast down into a back to back to end in the middle of a line of four facing up, while 2nd couple meet, lead up and cast onto the ends of the line.

Lead up 3, back 3, 1st couple move up crossing and cast round the 2s into progressed places as the twos move in behind the ones and lead up.


Mr Isaac's Maggot

Longways, Triple time

1st man turns 2nd woman R and backs clockwise round 2nd man to place. (Long lingering look).

1st woman turns 2nd man L and backs anticlockwise round 2nd woman to place.

All fall back 6, and forward to places, turning single on last 3 steps.

Circular hey 3 changes, partners facing, finishing in line facing up, 1st couple in middle.

All lead up in line 3 steps and fall back 3 steps; all lead up again, 2nd couple stay in 1st place, while 1st couple cast down.


Never Love Thee More


Introduction: Face up, step and honour presence; step and honour partner. Lead up a double and back; repeat.

Back to back R; then L.

1st couple full figure-8 through 2nd couple.

Hands-4 half way, fall back a double; cross over.

R hands across; L hands across.

Finale: Lead up a double and back; repeat. Step and honour presence; step and honour partner.



4 couple round

Hands-8 into centre, fall back; partners set, contraries set. Repeat.

Partners arm R; men L hands across to places while women skip round them, clockwise to places.

Partners arm L; women R hands across to places while men skip round them, anticlockwise to places.

Partners side; step R and honour, pass on. Side with the next, step and honour, pass on.

Original head couples (now at sides) lead forward a double, lead back and make arches; original side couples cast round, through arches and back. Repeat with side couples making the arches and head couples casting.

Arm R with next; arm L 1½ and pass on. Repeat with next and fall into lines up and down the room, close together, original heads at ends of lines.

Join hands in lines and fall back a double, forward a double; turn single, cross over with person opposite and form lines across the room, original sides at ends. Fall back in lines, come forward; turn single and cross over with opposites to original places.



4 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; repeat. Partners set and turn single; repeat.

(Progressive) 1st couple balance back and meet, take hands and slip down between 2nd couple turning out to face neighbour of same sex; push neighbour diagonally up and out, then lead in. Partners face, all fall back and come forward a double; partners turn.

1st couple dance the same with 3rd couple. Then 1st couple with 4th couple and 2nd couple with 3rd. Continue in this way until original 1st couple is back in 1st place. (N.B. (i) The other couples will not be where they started. (ii) Many recordings have only enough music for the original bottom couple to get to the top place.)

Partners cross L shoulders and turn single; cross back R shoulders and turn single. 1st man steps into middle line and faces down, then 1st woman steps in and faces her partner, then 2nd couple the same; then 3rd, then 4th.

Partners arm R; then L. All 4 slips L, then 8 slips R, then 4 slips L.

1st man steps out to place, then 1st woman the same so that they face each other, then 2nd couple the same; then 3rd, then 4th.

Progressive circular hey, with hands, 1st couple initiating, each couple joining in turn and stopping on reaching starting place.


The Old Mole

3 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; partners set and turn single. Repeat.

All face L wall, forward a double and back; set and turn single. Same to R wall.

1st corners meet, fall back; then cross. 2nd corners the same. Then middle couple.

2nd and 3rd women, and 1st and 2nd men, make arches, come forward and fall back; then cross over with 1st woman and 3rd man respectively. Return with arches made by 1st and 2nd women, and 1st and 2nd men (2nd couple give L hands each time).

Repeat whole arches figure,

Corners cross as before, back to places.

Men take hands and women the same, lines meet, 1st and 3rd couples fall back; 1st and 3rd men turn, as do 1st and 3rd women, and 2nd couple. These pairs side; partners turn.

Men's straight hey, 1st man face down, 2nd and 3rd up. Women's hey the same.

Circular hey twice round, 1st couple facing partners, 2nd couple facing down, 3rd up.

1st couple followed by others cast to bottom; then cast back to places. Repeat.


Oranges and Lemons

Square set

Meet and fall back; repeat.

Honour partner, honour corner; men hands-4 half way round clockwise. Women honour current partner, then corner; hands-4 half way round clockwise.

Men honour partner, corner; men return hands-4 anticlockwise. Women honour current partner, corner; women return hands-4 anticlockwise.

Side; repeat.

Take R hand with partner, raise it while taking one step R, then (letting go the R hand) the same with L; circular hey 2 changes, giving R and L hands. Take R hand with new person, then L as before; continue to places.

Arm R; arm L.

Head couples face the couple on their left, forming diagonal lines across the set, couples honour, then partners honour; hands-4 half way, opening out into lines on the other diagonal. Continue, heads moving one place clockwise each time, sides one place anticlockwise.


Parson's Farewell

2 couples

Meet, slip to L; fall back, slip to R.

Men rise, women rise, all rise 4 times; turn contrary. Repeat, women rising first.

Lead partner in R hand, lead contrary out R hand; and back L hand, fall back with partner to places.

Men cross offering R hand but giving L, pass by L and turn contrary R (sk.s.); men cross back L and turn partner R. Women cross offering L, but giving R, pass by R and turn contrary L; cross back R and turn partner L.

Partners take both hands and slip in, take contrary both hands and slip out; slip in, fall back R hand with partner.

Partners turn R hands, men cross R, all face partners; circular hey 2 changes, partners half turn.

Immediately partners turn L, women cross L, face partners; hey 2 changes, partners half turn.


The Phoenix

4 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; repeat. Set and turn single; repeat.

1st man, followed by other men, goes round outside women; women face the men, take both hands, men push, then pull. Fall back 2 steps and cross over; repeat.

Women go round outside the men; push, pull and cross over as before, women pushing first.

4th couple, followed by the others, go down the centre to invert the set, 4th and 2nd couples crossing; hands-8 ring. Set and turn single; repeat.

Men turn the women on R; men hands-4. Women meet, fall back turning single; men meet, fall back turning single. Partners turn; women hands-4 etc.

Heys on the sides: ends facing in and middles facing ends. Set and turn single; repeat.

4th couple, followed by the others, lead up inside the set, 4th and 2nd couples crossing as before, 4th man and 4th woman cast out, followed by the others, all to original places. Set and turn single; repeat.


Picking up Sticks

3 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; repeat.

1st man changes places with 2nd woman, then with 3rd man; all lead up a double and back. Repeat with 1st woman beginning the crossing; then 2nd woman; then 2nd man; then 3rd man; then 3rd woman. All should now be back to places.

Side; repeat.

1st couple slip down between 2nd couple who slip up the outside, then 2nd couple slip down the middle while ones slip up the outside; repeat all that. Meanwhile 3rd couple cross over with partners and skip round set to places. Then 3rd couple slip in between twos who slip down and so on, while 1st couple cross and skip round set.

Arm R; arm L.

Men go the sheepskins hey round the women, each last man doubling back round the middle woman and so becoming the leader in turn. Women go the sheepskins hey.


The Queen's Jig


1st corners side; set and turn single.

2nd corners the same.

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; all fall back two steps only and cross over;

R hands across (only), turn single.


The Round


1st couple swings down middle into 2nd place (sk.s.) while 2nd couple casts up; 2nd couple swings down while 1st couple casts up.

In lines up and down the hall, all go 4 slips to L and 4 slips to R; partners arm R;

All fall back a double, forward to places; turn single, 1st couple slips down while 2nd couple slips up outside.

Circular hey 4 changes, partners facing; partners arm R.


Rufty Tufty

2 couples

Meet and fall back; repeat. Partners set and turn single; repeat.

Lead partners out L hands, and back R hands; all turn single. Lead contraries out R hands, and back L hands; all turn single.

Side; repeat. Set and turn single; repeat. Lead partners out etc. as in first part.

Arm R; arm L. Set and turn single; repeat. Lead partners out etc. as in first part.


Sellenger's Round

Round for as many as will

Hands-all, 8 slips L; 8 slips back to R.

Chorus: All move forward towards the centre by setting right then left, all fall back to places; partners set and turn single. All that again.

Hands-all, forward a double towards centre, fall back to places; repeat. Chorus.

Partners side; repeat. Chorus.

Arm R; arm L. Chorus.

Slip L; slip R. Chorus.


The Shrewsbury Lasses

3 couple longways

1st man step and honour to 2nd woman; and turn her. 1st woman the same to 2nd man.

1st couple cast into 2nd place; 1st and 3rd couples hands-4 once round. 1st man goes up round 2nd couple while 1st woman goes down round 3rd couple; 1st couple half turn into middle place.

3rd couple cast up into 2nd place; 2nd and 3rd couples hands-4 once round. 3rd man goes up round 2nd couple while 3rd woman goes down round 1st couple; 3rd couple half turn into middle place.

Da capo, 2nd couple leading; then 3rd couple.


Sion House

Longways, Triple time, slow

Hands-4 half way; 1st woman and 2nd man cross while others turn single (6 steps).

Hands-4 half way; 1st man and 2nd woman cross while others turn single (6 steps).

Men lead through women and cast back to places; partners turn 1½. Women lead through men and cast back to places; 1st couple half figure-eight up through 2nd couple and cross back to places.


Step Stately

3 couple longways

Lead up a double, men slip R in front of partners, who slip L; men join hands and women join hands, in lines facing out, 1st couple lead lines round into line of 6 facing up (1st couple in middle). Forward a double and back; women pass to R in front of men and all return to places. Repeat.

1st couple lead up a double (inside hands), lead back; hands-4 half way with 2nd couple, 1st man crosses with 2nd woman. Women give L hands and cross up between men, 1st woman leading, and fall back to stand behind the contrary man; men pass giving R hands and turn partners L into progressed places. Repeat with 3rd couple.

Same with 2nd couple leading, then 3rd couple.

1st couple cross over, cast into 2nd place and cross again; men's line and women's line fall back a double and come forward with end couples only crossing over and facing out. 1st couple lead up to top, while 2nd couple (at top) cast to middle and 3rd couple (at bottom) loop down and return to 3rd place, then 1st couple cast to bottom place, others following to invert the set; 1st couple arm R, while others hands-4 half way.

Same with 2nd couple leading, then 3rd couple

Finale same as introduction, but once only.


A Trip to Kilburn

Longways triple minor

1st couple cast down into 2nd place while 2nd couple move up, 1st and 3rd couples hands-4, 1st couple leads down into 3rd place.

1st couple cast up into 2nd place, 1st and 2nd couples hands-4, 1st couple lead up through 2nd couple

1st couple cast down into 2nd place, all hands-6.

1st and 2nd couples circular hey, partners facing; 1st and 2nd couples turn partners.


A Trip to Paris


All set to partners and cross over turning single 1½; repeat to places.

1st couple cross over, make a wide cast down (sk.s.); cross below 2nd couple, cast up to places and turn single.

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; hands-4 half way round, 1st couple cast down while 2nd couple move up.


The Twenty Ninth of May


1st and 2nd couples whole poussette (first man pushing, 2nd pulling).

1st corners cross, 2nd corners cross; hands-4 half way,

1st couple cast down while 2nd couple move up.

1st corners fall back a double, come forward and stand back to back; 2nd corners the same.

Back ring half way (clockwise), lead out a double with neighbour; turn and lead back, cross over with partner.

1st couple cross over and cast down below twos, into a line of four facing up; lead up a double and back, twos falling into progressed place.

Nod to neighbour, nod to partner, two hand turn neighbour once, then partner once (2nd couple) or half (1st couple).

Note: each part of this dance is progressive.


The Whirligig

3 couple longways

Lead up a double and back; repeat.

2nd couple go up through 1st couple and cast back to places; cross going up and cast back. Down through 3rd couple and cast back; cross going down and cast back to places.

Great cast, i.e. 1st couple followed by 2nd and 3rd couples cast to 3rd place and stop there; 2nd and 3rd couples go through 1st couple and cast back up into 1st and 2nd places respectively.

Repeat in new places. Great cast.

Repeat again. Great cast.

Partners side; repeat.

2nd man arm R with 1st woman, and hey with 1st couple while 2nd woman arm R with 3rd man and hey with 3rd couple. 2nd man and 2nd woman change ends and do exactly as partner did. Great cast.

Repeat in new places. Great cast.

Repeat again. Great cast.

Partners arm R; arm L.

1st couple followed by 2nd couple cast down to middle and return to places; 1st and 2nd couples R hands across once round. 3rd couple followed by 2nd couple cast up to middle and return to places; 2nd and 3rd couples R hands across once round. Great cast.

Repeat in new places. Great cast.

Repeat again. Great cast.


Page maintained by Hugh Stewart