The Round - CU English Country Dance Club


Cambridge University English Country Dance Club

English Country Dancing offers a wide variety of dances, from lively and energetic to smooth and graceful, set to wonderful tunes from a wide range of composers from Trad through Purcell and Handel and Mozart to many modern composers writing specifically for dancing. Some dances are easy, others are more of a challenge, but they are all taught and called, so you don’t need to have any previous experience of the form. We also dance some American contras and squares. All are welcome to join us; you don’t need to come with a partner, and we usually change partners for each dance anyway. Note that this is social dancing, quite different from display styles such as Morris.

The Weekly Round normally meets every Thursday in Full Term, 8.00–10.00 p.m., in the Wesley Church Hall, King Street.

The last weekly meeting of the Easter Term 2024 was on 13th June. The first meeting of the new academical year will be on Thursday, 10th October.

However the Summer Round meets weekly on Thursday evenings, subject to weather and other circumstances, to dance on Jesus Green near the Maypole pub. Details are circulated on soc-round-chat.

See the Diary page for details of other events.

Please report any problems with this site (missing pages, broken links, errors in information, etc., etc.) to the webmaster, currently (Remove ‘.xyz’ to get the correct address.) General enquiries about the Round may be addressed to any member of the Committee.