Picking up Sticks

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Picking up Sticks    John Playford, 1651   3 couple longways

Twos improper

First figure:
A:   Up a double and back.  That again.

B1:   “Zigzags”: Top man cross with middle man, bottom man.  All lead up a double and back.
B2:   Top woman same.  B3-6: Same (All home).

Second figure:
A:   Side R.  Side L.

B1:   “Matchboxes”: Ones give two hands and slip down between twos, twos down between ones, all that again while threes cross and dance all way round the outside.

B2:   Threes up middle, twos down outside, ones cross.

Third figure:
A:   Arm R.  Arm L, middles 1½ to finish proper.

B1-2:   “Sheepskin hey”: Men come up single file and weave around the women, as the last man reaches the middle woman he goes all the way round her and becomes the new leader - do this three times, till the first man is again in the lead.

B3:   Men dance single file down behind women and up own side to place.

B4-6:   Women the same.

Original title is “Picking of Sticks” rather than “Picking up Sticks”.  Originally danced with twos proper.
If you want to say which shoulder to pass in the Zigzags, I suggest nearer shoulder, which means men right and then left, women left and then right.
See notes at https://colinhume.com/session3.htm#Picking