The Slof Galliard

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The Slof Galliard    Pat Shaw: New Wine in Old Bottles, 1971   4 couple longways

A1:   Ones lead down R hand in R, others up the sides and follow - at bottom man hand woman across and come up other side.

A2:   Middles star R half-way, ends R-hand turn half-way; all turn single L.  Back-to-back partner.

B1:   (12 bars):  Circle 4 half-way; fall back with neighbour.  Set moving forward; two-hand turn half-way.  Ends cast, middles follow - mini-cast back to where you came from.

B2:   All 8 circle left half-way (slip).  Set; two-hand turn half-way and face down.  Bottom couple cast up to top, others follow.

Progressed position is 3, 1, 4, 2.  You never stop moving the entire dance.  The tune is old Dutch - Slof means slipper.