Oranges and Lemons

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Oranges and Lemons    John Playford, 1665   Square

First Figure:
A1:   (4 bars): All lead in a double and back.  A2: Same.

B1:   (12 bars): Men honour partner, corner; men circle L half-way; fall back (4 steps) into opposite place.  Women same.

B2:   All that again but circling R.

Second Figure:
A1:   Side R.  A2: Side L.

B1:   Partners take R hands, raise them, and step to R (letting go with a flourish), same L.  Two slow curving changes of a grand chain.  Same.

B2:   Same.  Same.

Third Figure:
A1:   Arm R.  A2: Arm L, then heads face L, sides face R and join up in diagonal lines.

B1:   Honour opposite, honour partner; with the opposite couple circle four L half-way, then head men break to open up into lines on the other diagonal.  Same.

B2:   Same.  Same, finishing home.

The third figure is Palmer's version rather than Sharp's.