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Newcastle    John Playford, 1651.   Square

Colin Hume's interpretation

First figure:
A1:   All join hands, move forward a double and back.  Set to partner; set to the next (right-hand woman or left-hand man).

A2:   All join hands, move forward a double and back.  Set to opposite; set to corner.

B1:   Arm right with partner, then men left-hand star once around while women dance round the outside clockwise.

B2:   Arm right half-way, then women left-hand star once around while men dance round the outside clockwise, finishing with a gypsy right half-way into original place.

Second figure:
A1:   Side right.  Set right and left (without moving forward); pass on (right shoulder) to the next.

A2:   Side left.  Set; pass on to the next.

B1:   Original heads (now in side place with original opposite) lead in (inside hand); as they change hands, lead out and make an arch, original sides cast away from current partner, meet original partner, lead under the nearer arch and fall back to place with current partner (6 bars).

B2:   The same led by the original sides.

Third figure:
A1:   Arm right.  Set; pass on to the next.

A2:   Arm left.  Set; pass on to meet original partner on the other side of the square and all join hands.

B1:   Heads break from partner and all fall back into side lines; turn single right.  Cross right shoulder with opposite to reform the square and all join hands.

B2:   Sides break from partner and all fall back into head lines; turn single right.  Cross right shoulder with opposite to reform the square in original places.

Cecil Sharp's interpretation

First figure:
A1:   All join hands, move forward a double and back.  Set to partner; set to corner.

A2:   All that again.

B1:   Arm right with partner, then men left-hand star once around while women dance round the outside clockwise to place.

B2:   Arm left, then women right-hand star once around while men dance round the outside anti-clockwise to place.

Second figure:
A1:   Swirly siding.  Step right and honour; pass on left shoulder to the next.

A2:   All that again.

B1:   Original heads (now in side place with original opposite) lead in R hand in R; change hands and lead out.  They make an arch, original sides cast away from current partner, meet original partner, lead under the nearer arch and fall back to place with current partner.

B2:   The same led by the original sides.

Third figure:
A1:   Arm right.  Arm left 1½ to change places.

A2:   Same with the next, to meet original partner on the other side of the square.

B1:   All fall back in side lines; lead forward.  Turn single right; pass through, middles going further, to reform the square.

B2:   All fall back into head lines; lead forward.  Turn single right.  Cross right shoulder with opposite to reform the square in original places.