The Merry Merry Milkmaids

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The Merry Merry Milkmaids    John Playford, 1651   4 couple longways

First figure:
A1:   Up a double and back.  Set and turn single.

A2:   Same.

B1:   (12 bars): Ones and threes meet partner, acknowledge; give two hands, slip down while the others slip up (to change places).  In these fours, right-hand star.  Left-hand star.

B2:   All that again with twos and fours leading.

Second figure:
A1:   Side right.  Set and turn single.

A2:   Same left.

B1:   Men face up, cast to invert their line.  Women the same.  All set and turn single.

B2:   The same but facing down and casting up.

Third figure:
A1:   Arm right.  Set and turn single.

A2:   Same left.

B1:   Men take hands in lines and fall back a double; lead forward.  Middles face the ends: straight hey.

B2:   Women the same.

This is Colin Hume's interpretation, not Cecil Sharp's.