Mage on a Cree

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Mage on a Cree    John Playford, 1651   Square

Note: In all three figures (not introductions) it's "Corner first, partner last".

First Figure:
A1:   Take hands: in a double and back.  Set to partner and turn single.
A2:   All that again.

B1:   Men meet and acknowledge; about turn to the right and go back to place.  Corner two-hand turn.

B2:   Women meet and acknowledge; about turn to the right and back to place.  Partner two-hand turn.

Second Figure: Note: 4 Bs.
A1:   Side R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   The same L.

B1:   Men dance in front of corner; behind the next.  Men to the centre; turn single back.

B2:    Continue to place.

B3/4:   Women dance in front of corner, etc.

Third Figure:
A1:   Arm R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   The same L.

B1/2:   Men swing corner just over once round with two hands, then the next, then the next, finally partner 1¼.  Women hold position.  Men leave women in centre each time.

This is Pat Shaw's version, not Cecil Sharp's.