If All the World Were Paper

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If All the World Were Paper    John Playford, 1651   Square

First Figure:
A1:   All take hands: in a double and back.  Face partner: Set and turn single.
A2:   All that again.

B1:   Head men cross; head women cross.  Heads two changes to place.
B2:    Sides the same.

Second Figure:
A1:   Side R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   The same L.

B1:   Heads lead in (2 steps), lead opposite through nearer side couple; cast to place.  Two-hand turn partner.
B2:   Sides the same.

Third Figure:
A1:   Arm R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   The same L

B1:   Heads two changes without hands.  Two changes with hands.
B2:   Sides the same.

This is basically Cecil Sharp's version, which I don't agree with!