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Grimstock    John Playford, 1652   3 couple longways

A1:   Lead up a double and back.  Set and turn single.
A2:   Repeat.

B:   Mirror hey, ones between twos to begin.

A1:   Side R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   Side L.  Set and turn single.

B:   Dip and dive, Twos arch over ones to begin.

A1:   Arm R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   Arm L.  Set and turn single.

B:   Mirror hey, but ones cross out between twos and threes to begin and cross back coming up.

Mirror hey: Ones go between and change places with twos, then outside and change places with threes, twos go between and change places with threes and then outside and change places with ones, threes go between and change places with ones, then outside and change places with twos.