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Confesse    John Playford, 1651   

Three facing three across the hall

First Figure:
A:   Lines forward a double and back.  That again.

B1:   Middles go left, lead these ends away; turn and lead back.  All two-hand turn opposite - middles turn ¾ to flow into...

B2:   Middles lead own partners away; lead back.  All two-hand turn opposite.

Second Figure:
A:   All lead two doubles to men's wall.  Turn and lead back.

B1:   One middle step forward and give right to either of the opposite ends, then left; raise them to make an arch and the other four circle left through it (12 steps).

B2:   The other middle as much.

Third Figure:
A:   All lead two doubles to women's wall; turn and lead back.

B1:   Bomb-burst (top ends lead up, bottoms down, middles move out); lead back.  Ends circle left while middle turn single (8 steps).

B2:   Bomb-burst.  Middles two-hand turn, ends turn single (8 steps).

Fourth Figure:
A:   Lines forward a double and back.  That again.

B1:   Middles lead their top ends down, change hands and arch back while bottom ends cast up and go down through an arch.  Middles two-hand turn this person to place - bottom ends turn each other.

B2:   Middles lead their bottom ends up, change hands and arch back while top ends cast down and go up through an arch.  Middles two-hand turn this person to place - top ends turn each other.

Written for one man two women facing same.