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Chestnut    John Playford, 1651   3 couple longways

First Figure:
A:   Up a double and back.  That again.

B1:   All face partner, take one step back, pass through right shoulder - middle person go further and turn round.  Circle three to the left once around, to face partner.

B2:   All that again to places.

Second Figure:
A:   Side R shoulder.  Side L.

B1:   Step back, cross over.  Twos face up: half reels of three.

B2:   Same, but twos face down and reel starts left shoulder.

Third Figure:
A:   Arm right.  Arm left.

B1:   Step back, cross over.  Ones lead down middle, others up outside and follow them, to turn the set upside down.

B2:   Step back, cross over and all face down.  Ones cast up, others lead down and follow them, to original places.