Round Reminders

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Apley House    Henry Playford, 1702   Longways duple

A1:   Men take hands and fall back a double; come forward turning single.  Women the same.

A2:   R-hand star half way, turn single.  Twos, followed by ones, cast down into line of 4 facing up, ones outside.

B:   Forward a double and back, bend the line (all improper).  Ones cast down into 2nd place and cross over, while twos lead up into 1st place, crossing.

The Bishop    Thompson Vol 4, 1780. Apted Book.   Longways triple

A1:   1st man cast to 2nd place (starting on R foot); set to 3rd woman.  They two-hand turn.

A2:   1st woman cast to 2nd place; set to 3rd man.  They two-hand turn.

B1:   Bottom couple gipsy, top couple gate middles up and round.  Circle 6 half-way.

B2:   Same from new positions.

The Black Nag    John Playford, 1665   3 couple longways

A:   Lead up a double and back; repeat.

B1:   Ones take hands and go 4 slips up; twos the same.  Threes the same; all turn single.

B2:   Threes slip down, then twos, then ones, all turn single.

A:   Partners side R.  Side L.

B1:   1st man and 3rd woman change places by slipping across back to back, R shoulders leading, then the other corners, then middles, all turn single.

B2:   Repeat to places.

A:   Partners arm R.  Arm L.

B1:   Men dance a straight hey (6 bars); all turn single.

B2:   Women dance a straight hey (6 bars); all turn single.

Bonny Breastknot (Devon and Somerset)    CDM2, 1948   3 couple longways

A1:   Ones lead down, between women, separate, round one.  Meet in middle, lead between men, separate, round one to lines of three across.

B1:   Balance onto L, R, L, R.  Ones leap to own L (to middle of own line - no extra time) and balance again in lines.

A2:   Ones R-elbow turn partner, left with first corner.  Right with partner, left with second corner.

B2:   Ones gallop down, then up to bottom place.  All swing.

The Bonny Cuckoo    Gail Ticknor: Gail's Maggots, 1996.   4 couple longways

A:   Ones lead down past two couples; cast up to second place as twos lead up.  Ones cross R; left-hand turn middles half-way.

B:   Fours lead up past two; cast to third place: ones down.  Fours cross R; L with middles, open out to...

C:   All circle left for 4 bars.  Balance forward and back; women balance forward and back moving right, men back and forward moving left, to change places with this person.

D:   Circle right until opposite partner.  Stay in the circle, balance forward and back; two-hand turn partner once or ½ to own side.

Centrifugal Hey    Gene Hubert: Dizzy Dances 2, 1985   Longways duple improper

A1:   R-hand turn neighbour 1¾, till men face in middle.  Men L-hand turn 1½ to face partner.

A2:   Hey for four.

B1:   Long swing with partner. 

B2:   Right & left through.  Circle left ¾, pass through.

Childgrove    Henry Playford, 1701   Longways duple

Often danced improper

A1:   Side R shoulder with partner.  Back-to-back.

A2:   Side L with neighbour.  Left shoulder back-to-back.

B1:   Two-hand turn neighbour 1½ (skip-change).  Two-hand turn partner once (walk).

B2:   Ones full figure of eight up through twos.

Dorset Four-Hand Reel    CDM5   2 couples

Women standing back-to-back in middle, men facing partners

A1/2:   Reel of four, passing partner R shoulder, all the way and another 5 changes, finishing the other side of the set with men facing in the middle, women behind their partner.

B1:   Men step to each other, and turn round at the end.

B2:   All step to partner.

Second time: reel with hands, and the women finish in the middle and step to each other first.  Third time: dance, no hands.  Fourth time: dance, with hands. 

B3:   Swing partner.

The Fandango    Thompson, 24 Country Dances, 1774   3 couple longways

A1:   Ones R-hand turn (8 steps) and face up.  Cast down while twos move up - use all 8 steps so you arrive just in time for the next move.
A2:   Ones L-hand.  Cast down while threes move up - again use all 8 steps.

B1:   Circle 6 L, 8 slips.  Circle R.
B2:   Ones lead up middle.  Cast to 2nd place, and turn single down (woman to L).

A3:   1st man turn 3rd woman while 1st woman turn 2nd man.  Ones turn each other. 
A4:   1st man turn 2nd woman half-way while 1st woman turn 3rd man half-way.  Ones turn 1½ (or 2½).

B3:   1st man figure-8 through twos, passing woman R, while 1st woman figure-8 through threes, passing man R.
B4:   1st man hey with threes, passing woman L, while 1st woman hey with twos, passing man L, Ones lead down to bottom place while threes finish the hey in 2nd place.

Flirtation Reel    Tony Parkes: Shadrack's Delight, 1985   Longways duple improper

A1:   Down in a line of four, ones in the middle.  Turn towards neighbour, lead back and stay in the line.

A2:   Hey for four, passing neighbour right shoulder to start.

B1:   Gipsy right neighbour.  Melt into a swing.

B2:   Long lines forward and back.  Ones swing, ending between new twos.

The Geud Man of Ballangigh    Henry Playford, 1695   Longways duple

A1:   Ones lead through the twos, cast back to place.  Men lead through the women, cast back to place.

A2:   Twos lead through the ones, cast back to place.  Women lead through the men, cast back to place.

B1:   1st corners set moving forward; turn single back to place.  2nd corners same.

B2:   Circle 4 half-way; fall back with neighbour.  Come forward setting; cross over to own side.

Grimstock    John Playford, 1652   3 couple longways

A1:   Lead up a double and back.  Set and turn single.
A2:   Repeat.

B:   Mirror hey, ones between twos to begin.

A1:   Side R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   Side L.  Set and turn single.

B:   Dip and dive, Twos arch over ones to begin.

A1:   Arm R.  Set and turn single.
A2:   Arm L.  Set and turn single.

B:   Mirror hey, but ones cross out between twos and threes to begin and cross back coming up.

Hole in the Wall    Henry Playford, 1698   Longways duple

Triple time

A1:   Ones cast down and lead back.

A2:   Twos cast up and lead back.

B:   1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross.  Circle L half-way; Ones cast down while twos lead up.

Indian Queen    Henry Playford, 1701   Longways duple

A1:   1st corners set; turn single.  Two-hand turn.

A2:   2nd corners the same.

B1:   R-hand star.  L-hand star.

B2:   Partners back to back.  Partners face, three changes.

Jacob Hall's Jig    Henry Playford, 1695   Longways duple

A1:   First man R-hand turn second woman.  Pick up partner, and those three circle L.

A2:   Second man L-hand turn first woman.  Pick up partner, and those three circle R.

B1:   Ones lead down, turn individually, lead back, pick up the twos.  Up a double and back, bend the line.

B2:   Circle left.  Ones lead up and cast back.

Cecil Sharp had a busier version of the first half:

A1:   First man R-hand turn second woman, L-hand partner, and those three circle R.

A2:   Second man L-hand turn first woman, R-hand turn partner, and those three circle L.

John Tallis's Canon    Pat Shaw, 1965   Longways duple

Note: "Ones" means 1st corners, "Twos" means 2nd corners.

A1:   Ones meet; twos meet.  Ones cross R; turn single L; twos the same.

A2:   All that again.

B1:   Ones R-hand turn half-way; twos join in and star half-way.  Ones set while twos turn half-way; ones turn single while twos set.

B2:   Ones L-hand turn half-way while twos turn single; twos join in, star half-way.  Progression: Ones fall back; move diagonally R, in front of neighbour who falls straight back.  (Twos move diagonally L as ones start the next round.)

Last time: Ones turn single as twos progress.

Juice of Barley    Henry Playford, 1686   Longways duple

A:   Back-to-back partner.  Two-hand turn partner.

B1:   Men half figure eight through women - first man go first.  All clap once and circle left (slip-step).

B2:   Women half figure eight through men - first woman go first.  All clap and circle left again.

La Russe    CDM1, 1949   Square

A1:   Pass partner left shoulder; balance once to next.  Swing.

A2:   Cast back right shoulder; balance to partner.  Swing.

B1:   Ones keep swinging.

B2:   Ones promenade inside: acknowledge twos, threes, fours.

A3:   Threes arch, heads cross, California twirl.  Ones arch, back.

A4:   All that again.

B3:   All circle left (skip-change step).

B4:   Promenade home.

Levi Jackson Rag    Pat Shaw: Among the Pines, 1983   

5 Couple horseshoe: One couple at the top and two couples on each side

A:   Side couples right & left through; tops down half-way.  Sides right & left back; top couple lead down to bottom.

B:   Tops cast home, others circle 4 left.  All do-si-do partner.

C:   All five women chain, to next man but one.  And again.

D:   Promenade one place round the circle, and immediately re-establish the horseshoe; balance once.  Swing.

Morpeth Rant    CDM1, 1949   Longways duple

A1:   1st man R-hand turn 2nd woman, keep hold and give L to 2nd man's L hand to form wave of three.  1st woman down through nearer arch, up through other, all finishing in original places (all to a rant step).

A2:   R-hand star, turn out to the left.  L-hand star.  (walked)

B1:   Ones lead down R hand in R (walk), turn the woman under (without changing sides).  Rant back, twos move in above them.

B2:   Take ballroom hold and dance once around the other couple (rant step).

Mr Beveridge's Maggot    Henry Playford, 1701   Longways duple

A:   Ones Hole-in-the-Wall cross and face down (6 steps); back-to-back neighbour (6 steps).  Ones turn single up (3 steps); right-hand turn neighbour (6 steps, across the music); ones left-hand turn half-way to place (3 steps).

B:   Ones cross, go below the twos who meet and lead up (6 steps); ones back-to-back while twos cast to the end of a line facing up.  Lead up three steps and back; ones cross and cast while twos move in and lead up.

Mr Isaac's Maggot    Henry Playford, 1695   Longways duple

The music is in 3-time.

A:   First man R-hand turn second woman - when he reaches the bottom he comes up outside second man to place.

B:   First woman L-hand turn second man, up outside to place.

C:   All fall back 6 with neighbour.  Forward 3, turn single.

D:   Three changes with hands, then twos cast onto the end of a line facing up.

E:   Lead up three steps and back (stay in the line).  Ones lead up and cast while twos meet and lead up.

Newcastle    John Playford, 1651.   Square

Colin Hume's interpretation

First figure:
A1:   All join hands, move forward a double and back.  Set to partner; set to the next (right-hand woman or left-hand man).

A2:   All join hands, move forward a double and back.  Set to opposite; set to corner.

B1:   Arm right with partner, then men left-hand star once around while women dance round the outside clockwise.

B2:   Arm right half-way, then women left-hand star once around while men dance round the outside clockwise, finishing with a gypsy right half-way into original place.

Second figure:
A1:   Side right.  Set right and left (without moving forward); pass on (right shoulder) to the next.

A2:   Side left.  Set; pass on to the next.

B1:   Original heads (now in side place with original opposite) lead in (inside hand); as they change hands, lead out and make an arch, original sides cast away from current partner, meet original partner, lead under the nearer arch and fall back to place with current partner (6 bars).

B2:   The same led by the original sides.

Third figure:
A1:   Arm right.  Set; pass on to the next.

A2:   Arm left.  Set; pass on to meet original partner on the other side of the square and all join hands.

B1:   Heads break from partner and all fall back into side lines; turn single right.  Cross right shoulder with opposite to reform the square and all join hands.

B2:   Sides break from partner and all fall back into head lines; turn single right.  Cross right shoulder with opposite to reform the square in original places.

Cecil Sharp's interpretation

First figure:
A1:   All join hands, move forward a double and back.  Set to partner; set to corner.

A2:   All that again.

B1:   Arm right with partner, then men left-hand star once around while women dance round the outside clockwise to place.

B2:   Arm left, then women right-hand star once around while men dance round the outside anti-clockwise to place.

Second figure:
A1:   Swirly siding.  Step right and honour; pass on left shoulder to the next.

A2:   All that again.

B1:   Original heads (now in side place with original opposite) lead in R hand in R; change hands and lead out.  They make an arch, original sides cast away from current partner, meet original partner, lead under the nearer arch and fall back to place with current partner.

B2:   The same led by the original sides.

Third figure:
A1:   Arm right.  Arm left 1½ to change places.

A2:   Same with the next, to meet original partner on the other side of the square.

B1:   All fall back in side lines; lead forward.  Turn single right; pass through, middles going further, to reform the square.

B2:   All fall back into head lines; lead forward.  Turn single right.  Cross right shoulder with opposite to reform the square in original places.

Nonesuch    John Playford, 1651   4 couple longways

First figure:
A1:   Up a double and back.  That again.

B1:   Set to partner and turn single.  That again.

A2:   Ones balance back and balance forward; give two hands and slip down below the twos, then turn down and out to face neighbour on the diagonal.  Push them up diagonally; lead in to progressed places.

B2:   Fall back with neighbour; lead forward.  Both couples two-hand turn.

Repeat B1 and B2 until all are back to place.

Second figure:
A1:   Partners gipsy L half-way; turn single R.  Gipsy R half-way; turn single L.

B1:   1st man jump in to face down, 1st woman jump in to face partner; twos the same.  Threes; fours.

Third figure:
A1:   Arm R.  Arm L.

B1:   All four slips L; four R.  Four R; four L.

B2+3:   Progressive grand chain: Ones give R to partner to start, the others face up and wait to be brought in, all finishing where you started.

Nottingham Swing    CDM6, 1964   Longways duple

A:   First corners R-forearm turn twice around (step-hop).  Second corners the same.

B:   Ones give two hands: two chassées down the middle, two back; cast as the twos lead up.  All cross-hand swing.

Parsons Farewell    John Playford, 1651   2 couples

First figure:
A:   Lead in a double to meet the other couple; 4 slips to the left with partner.  Fall back a double; 4 slips to the right.
B1:   Men rise and honour each other, women same; all rise and honour opposite, diagonal, partner, opposite again.  Two-hand turn opposite (skip-change).
B2:   The same, with the women honouring first (and turning opposite again, not partner).

Second figure:
A:   Lead in with partner; lead out with opposite.  Change hands and lead in with opposite; fall back with partner.
B1:   Open men's chain: Men cross giving left hands, right-hand turn opposite.  Men cross back giving left hands, right-hand turn partner (all skip-change).
B2:   Open women' chain: Women cross giving right hands, left-hand turn opposite.  Women cross back giving right hands, left-hand turn partner.

Third figure:
A:   Two hands to partner: slip in; slip out with opposite.  Slip in; slip out with partner and stay facing.
B1:   (All danced with a skip-change step) Right-hand turn partner.  Men pass left shoulder: half a straight hey, finishing with right-hand turn partner ¼ into the other couple's place, man on the left.
B2:   Left-hand turn partner.  Women pass right shoulder: half a straight hey, finishing with left-hand turn partner ¼ to home place.

The Phoenix    John Playford, 1670   4 couple longways

A:   Up a double and back.  That again.
B:   Set and turn single.  That again.

A:   First man lead single file behind women line.  Two hands to opposite: men give big push, little pull.
B:   All take one step back, cross over.  That again.

A/B:   The same with the sexes reversed.

A:   Fours (at top) lead down, crossing as they go, threes follow but don't cross, twos cross, ones don't.  Circle eight all the way.
B:   Set and turn single.  That again.

A:   Neighbour two-hand turn.  Men in, circle left once round.
B:   Women in, acknowledge; back turning single.  Men same.

A:   Partner two-hand turn.  Women in, circle left once round.
B:   Men in, acknowledge; back turning single.  Women same.

A:   Face neighbour: straight hey on each side.
B:   Set and turn single.  That again.

A:   Fours lead up followed by others, uncross if you crossed.  Fours cast to place, followed by others.
B:   Set and turn single.  That again.

The Queen's Jig    Henry Playford, 1701   Longways duple

A1:   First corners side R shoulder.  Set and turn single.

A2:   Second corners side L shoulder.  Set and turn single.

B1:   First corners cross R; second corners cross R.  Take inside hand with neighbour: step back, step forward; cross R shoulder with partner, big loop right:

B2:   R-hand star, taking 12 steps rather than 8 (6 bars); turn single left.

The Shrewsbury Lasses    Thompson, 1774-1779 - Apted Book, 1931   3 couple longways

A1:   1st man step R and honour 2nd woman; same L.  Two-hand turn.

A2:   1st woman same with 2nd man.

B1:   (12 bars) Ones cast to middle (4 steps).  Circle at bottom (8 steps).  1st man up, woman down, round one couple to each other's place (8 steps).  Two-hand turn half-way (4 steps).

B2:   Ones lead to bottom as threes cast up to middle.  Circle at top.  3rd man up, woman down, round one.  Turn half-way.

Step Stately    John Playford, 1651   3 couple longways

First figure: (whole set)      
A:   Up a double; slip across 4 steps (women in front), face out.  First man and woman lead lines down and round in “C”.

B:   Line of 6 up a double and back.  Ones let go of partner, lines curve round each other (women in front) to places.

Second figure: (duple minor)      
A:   Ones lead up a double; change hands and lead back.  Circle left half-way; first corners cross.

B:   Women cross up through men (first woman first) to finish behind opposite man.  Men pull by right, then left-hand turn partner to finish proper in progressed places.

Third figure: (triple minor)      
A:   Ones cross, go below the twos; cross again (right shoulder both times).  Lines of three fall back; lead forward and ends cross over, all finishing facing partner.

B:   Ones lead back to the top and then cast to invert the set.  Ones (at the bottom) arm right while the top two couples circle left half-way (all finishing proper).

Finale: (whole set)
A:   Up a double; slip across 4 steps (women in front), face out.  First man and woman lead lines down and round in "C".

B:   Up a double & back.  Up again; step R, honour presence.

Sun Assembly    Thompson’s Compleat Collection vol. 1, 1757, modified by Ken Sheffield.   Longways duple

A1:   Circle 4 half-way; fall back with neighbour.  Twos gate Ones up and round.

A2:   Ones half figure-8 up through twos, who wait for 4 beats then cross back to their own side.  All set and turn single.

B:   With next couple, right-hand star.  With original couple, left-hand star.

C:   Ones lead down between next couple and cast back to place.  All two-hand turn partner.

Waterfall Waltz    Pat Shaw, 1966   Sicilian circle

A1:   Men right-hand turn.  Do-si-do opposite.

A2:   Women right-hand turn.  Do-si-do partner, keep facing.

B1:   Two chassées sideways to change places with other couple (women going inside); two-hand turn partner halfway.  Same.

B2:   Circle half (3 bars), acknowledge opposite.  Cross-hand turn partner 1½ and face a new couple.

The Waters of Holland    Pat Shaw: New Wine in Old Bottles, 1971   3 couple longways

Twos improper

First Figure:
A:   Up a double and back.  Down a double and back.

B1:   On the right diagonal (top 2 men face, bottom 2 women face): set; cross over.  All two-hand turn new partner 1½.

B2:   On the right diagonal: set; cross over.  Turn new partner 1½.

Second Figure:   Siding into line, etc.

Third Figure:   Arming, etc.

Well-Hall    John Playford, 1679, interpreted by Frank van Cleef.   Longways duple

Triple time

A1:   Ones turn 1½.  Cast below twos (who lead up) and cross back to own side.

A2:   Twos the same.

B1:   1st corners cross; 2nd corners cross.  Circle L halfway; cloverleaf turn single (Ones turn upwards and twos downwards).

B2:   2nd corners cross, 1st corners cross.  Circle L half-way; Ones cast, twos lead up.

The Whirligig    John Playford, 1651   3 couple longways

First figure:
A:   Lead up a double and back.  Repeat.

B1:   Middles lead up and cast back to place.  Half figure-8 up, end improper.

B2:   Middles lead down and cast back.  Half figure-8 down.

A:   Great cast: Tops cast to bottom place and stop there, others follow, then lead down through them and cast up to progressed place.

Repeat in new places.  Great cast.

Repeat again.  Great cast.

Second figure:
A:   Partners side R.  Side L.

B1:   Middle go left: Arm right with opposite sex, into reels of three across the set, middles end improper.

B2:   Middles go left: Arm right same sex (same two people), into reels of three across (home).

A:   Great cast.

Repeat in new places.  Great cast.

Repeat again.  Great cast.

Third figure:
A:   Partners arm R.  Arm L.

B1:   Middles chase the top couple: mini-cast back to place.  Right-hand star.

B2:   Middles chase the bottom couple: mini-cast.  Right-hand star.  Great cast.

Repeat in new places.  Great cast.