First figure: (whole set) [Often danced twice]
A: Up a double; slip across 4 steps (women in front), face out. First man and woman lead lines down and round in a “C” shape.
B: Line of 6 up a double and back. Ones let go of partner, lines curve round each other (women in front) to places.
Second figure: (duple minor) [6 times to place]
A: Ones lead up a double; change hands and lead back. Circle left half-way; first corners cross.
B: Women cross up through men (first woman first) to finish behind opposite man. Men pull by right, then left-hand turn partner to finish proper in progressed places.
Third figure: (triple minor) [3 times to place]
A: Ones cross, go below the twos; cross again (right shoulder both times). Lines of three fall back; lead forward and ends cross over, all finishing facing partner.
B: Ones lead back to the top and then cast to invert the set. Ones (at the bottom) arm right while the top two couples circle left half-way (all finishing proper).
Finale: (whole set) [Not in Playford, but a good ending]
A: Up a double; slip across 4 steps (women in front), face out. First man and woman lead lines down and round in “C”.
B: Up a double and back. Up again; step R, honour presence.
Traditionally the introduction is danced twice (for no good reason). The finale is not in Playford or Sharp.