First figure:
A1,2: (4 bars): All lead in a double and back. Same.
B1: (12 bars): Men honour partner, corner; men circle L half-way; fall back (4 steps) into opposite place. Women same.
B2: All that again.
Second figure:
A1,2: Side R. Side L.
B1: Partners take R hands, raise them, and step to R (letting go with a flourish), same L. Two slow curving changes of a grand chain. Same.
B2: Same. Same.
Third figure:
A1,2: Arm R. Arm L, then heads face L, sides face R and join up in diagonal lines.
B1: Honour opposite, honour partner; with the opposite couple circle four L half-way, then heads draw the circle out into lines on the other diagonal. Same. Note: Heads move one place clockwise each time, sides anticlockwise.
B2: Same. Same, finishing home.
In the first figure, Sharp and Palmer have circles to the right in B2 but I don't think that's what Playford means. See notes at