Fain I Would

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Fain I Would    John Playford, 1651   Square

Observe opposite person carefully - your shadow - you literally do half the dance with them.

First figure:
A1:   Lead partner out a double; change hands and lead back.  Two-hand corner enough to form side lines (man on left of woman); two-hand turn the one you're facing, half-way, middles fall back to reform square (all with shadow).

A2:   Same with shadow - side lines with same corner.

B1:   Heads lead in, pick up corner; head lines fall back.  All arm R shadow, finish improper in a square.

B2:   Same with new heads, all arming L partner.

Second figure:
A1/2:   As first, but siding.  Acknowledge before turning corner.

B1:   Heads face partner and cast out, followed by corner, to places.  Circle 4 top and bottom, to places.

B2:   Sides cast, heads follow corner, etc.  (circles on the side)

Third figure:
A:   As first, but arming.  Acknowledge before leaving.

B1:   Heads lead in and face out; sides circle left and hang on to shadow to end in head place (4 bars); middles lead out to side place.  [All improper, in corner's place.]

B2:   New heads lead in; sides circle, all finishing home.

See notes at https://colinhume.com/instr.htm#Fain