Chelsea Reach

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Chelsea Reach    John Playford, 1657   Square

First figure:
A1:   Lead partner in a double; fall back.  Step R and honour; L.

A2:   Lead out; fall back.  Step and honour.

B1:   Sides lead in and about turn while heads gipsy R and finish in front of your corner.  In these fours circle left half-way, face up and down (head lines); give R hand to opposite, pull by, turn L.

B2:   In same fours, L-hand star.  Two-hand turn partner.

B3,4:   Heads lead in, sides gipsy, etc.

Second figure:
A1,2:   Side R.  Step and honour.  The same L.

B1:   Two hands to partner, men put women in the middle; tight gipsy L partner (4 bars); women R-hand star half-way, men dance round the outside (the other way) half-way, re-form the square.

B2:   Women put men in; gipsy R; men L-hand star etc.

Third figure:
A1,2:   Arm R.  Step and honour.  The same L.

B1:   Give corner R hand: lead out; lead back.  Grand chain half-way (skip-change step).
B2:   Same, finishing with L hand in partner's to honour.

Sharp plays the music A, B, A, B etc.  but it should be 4 B's in the first figure, 2 B's in the other two, so AABBBB, AABB, AABB.
See notes at