The Black Nag

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The Black Nag    John Playford, 1665   3 couple longways

First figure:
A:   Lead up a double and back; repeat.

B1:   Ones take hands and go 4 slips up; twos the same.  Threes the same; all turn single.

B2:   Threes slip down, then twos, then ones, all turn single.

Second figure:
A:   Partners side R.  Side L.

B1:   1st long corners (1st man and 3rd woman) change places by slipping across back to back, R shoulders leading, then the other corners, then middles, all turn single.

B2:   Repeat to places.

Third figure:
A:   Partners arm R.  Arm L.

B1:   Men dance a straight hey (6 bars); all turn single.

B2:   Women dance a straight hey; all turn single.

See notes at