The Round 1956-57


Chairman: Katharine Palmer (Hughes Hall)
Organisatrix: Lorainne Sellers (Homerton)
Organiser: Robert Turner (St Catharine's)
Senior Treasurer: William Palmer
Junior Treasurer: John Pringle (St John's)
Judy Andrews
Stephen Davies (Emmanuel)
Jim Greenwood (Clare)
Marianne Hill
Robert Johnson (St John's)
Dora Pease (Newnham)
Arthur Peck
Beryl Shadbolt
Anne Wells (Girton)


Thursdays 8:45-10:30 and Saturdays 4:30-6:15
(Saturdays "partly Study Round, and partly an ordinary meeting")
7/6 a term or 17/6 a year; otherwise 2/6 a year plus 1/- per meeting, but first years are excused the 2/6

Other events

Michaelmas Term party December 6th (2/- in advance, 2/6 on the door) at the Perse School (Attendance: 40)
Singing evening January 26th, preceded by fish and chips
Homerton Party February 23rd
Lent Term Party March 16th, St Giles Hall (Attendance 24)
Sold 13 tickets (3/6 each) for the Albert Hall festival
Round Party June 8th Girton, Music: Grace North + Rollo Woods, MC: Arthur Peck
Long Vac: Meetings at 8.30 on Thursdays in the Technical College, 1/- per meeting
The minute book records that owing to reports that prominent members of this Society [the EFDSS] had made their business to besmirch the good name of the Round and the fact that the Round got very little value for its 2 guineas subscription the Round was not going to rejoin. Does anyone know more?
Meeting programmes top ten dances:
  20 KRS
  19 Morpeth Rant
  19 La Russe
  18 The Geud Man of Ballangigh
  18 Childgrove
  17 Fandango
  17 Cumberland Square Eight
  15 Newcastle
  13 Wiltshire Tempest
  13 Step Stately
Other years: 1954-551955-56 1956-57 1957-581958-59

Page maintained by Hugh Stewart